Joyska's Journal: twisters!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Early this evening there was quite the excitement here in KC. There were twisters sighted near the plaza and other areas of KC. The news was (and is) telling us that there are Tornado warnings all over the area and that some areas needed to take shelter. They evacuated the Kansas City International airport and put everybody in the tunnels under the airport for over an hour! How fun would that be...

"Excuse me, maam, where are you heading today?"
"Oh, I'm visiting the lollypop gang, and you?"
"I thought it would be good to check in on the munchkins myself..."
"Looks like we chose the right flight!"

Good grief, if it isn't the minus 40 degrees of Winnipeg, it's the twisters and thunderstorms of Kansas City!

As I was watching the news they showed this crazy weather man in a helicopter that they called the "chase team"... it's straight out of the movie "Twister"! The footage was awesome though. There wasn't an actual Tornado on film, but the sky was this cool greenish yellow colour! Too cool. I love crazy weather!

Hmm... where do I go if there is a Tornado here? I know there is a basement in my apartment, but what about at IHOP or Higher Grounds, or even at FSM???? Maybe, just maybe I should find that out!

Anyway, decided NOT to go to the Thursday EGS tonight. Pam's parents and sister are here and we had a nice late supper. I am now hanging out at Higher Grounds and am MSNing with Kristin. I love MSN!!!

Miss ya all! Looking forward to being back in "the peg" on May 14th for a week or so! hope to see some of you then! i promise not to bring any tornadoes with me!!!
Joyska at 6:27 PM


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