Joyska's Journal

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

let's see, the update many of you may be looking for has once again been more week. Stay tuned, even if you have no clue what I am talking about! haha

Today, was a bit of a milestone since my return to this soon to be winter wonderland. My sugars this morning were 5.4. (that is good) When I came back a mere six weeks ago, they were... well NOT 5.4. I'm still dealing with some numbness in my feet and not always sure how I feel, but hopefully that too will change.

Tonight was week 2 of a prayer meeting for the poor and the homeless here in Kansas City. Cheryl joined me tonight, and last week it was Deb and I. WOO HOO, we are up to three already! I mean that seriously. I know that the poor and homeless are part of what I am called to in this city so anyone who joins in is a plus!

Today, while downtown I counted 5 folks in wheelchairs, 3 on crutches and 2 more in wheel chairs because of missing limbs. I found myself crying out for healing to fall on the city in unparralled ways. I was praying for limbs to grow back and hearts to soften, all for the glory of His name.
But I didn't go to anyone and ask if they wanted prayer. I was too concerned about getting home, or meeting my friend. Jesus is gracious and forgiving, but I don't want to always fault to that you know?
Anyway, there was a man in front of Portage Place, also waiting for the bus. I saw his lips moving and assumed he was another "crazy" person talking to himself. As I moved closer I realized he was singing. What caught me though was he was singing "Jesus died for me, and for you"
I had to get on my bus, but I wondered as we drove away from him, and people looked at him strangely, if he was making an impact just by saying His name. And since many hours later, I'm writing about it... I guess he did.
My prayer is that I too, would make an impact whether at work, wandering downtown, or praying in my warm home. Impact. Good word.
Joyska at 8:02 PM


Blogger Nancy said...

Here in Kansas City Joyska? Paragraph's hard to believe that you are not there any least is the adjustment going ?
It is coming up to two years since I left and I find this world is a broad wilderness. Keep up the good work, and I am glad you are getting your health looked after.

7:36 AM  
Blogger Roo said...

amen joyska.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Joyska said...

oops... yep nancy you are right... Kansas City was on the brain, and I did pray for Hope City ... but I meant WINNIPEG!

6:47 PM  

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