Joyska's Journal: Friday-- ah

Friday, September 10, 2004

Friday-- ah

Yeah it's Friday!! Time to kick back, relax, hang out downtown... hey it's my day off! what am I doing at the office?

Well once again Kids Church begins in 2 little short days. Things are pretty much ready to go, but there are just lots of little details that I want to have in place before everything kicks off with a fury on Sunday AM. I'm excited about this year. It's a little bit wierd because I am planning right into June, but I will be gone in January or February... yet, I feel like I'll be here. I keep saying things like, "when we do the Spring Children's service..." or "we should do another go- camp in April" or "We should already be looking ot a daycamp for spring break". Ah... it's a good thing God knows what he is doing!

But as for the fall... I am totally in and completely excited. The first six weeks focus on the WORD, WORSHIP, and WONDERS. I'm waiting in anticipation of what God will do with the kids, with our leaders and with the church! WOOHOO!

Just a quick health update. I went to the doctor (AGAIN) this morning and showed her the evidence of my taking my shots and finger pricks everyday for the past week... (the fact that my fingers look like pincushions and my belly like a chicken pox infected child should have been enough evidence... but noooo, she had to see the actual numbers in my meter... doctors are evil...) Apparently, the dosages aren't yet high enough, so I am increasing the morning and evening dosages as well as adding a shot if the snack I am eating has too many carbs. I'm getting a little tired of all the poking and prodding, but eventually it will get under control. My numbers are better, but not as low as they would like them to be. Who is "they" anyway? Whoever made the "normal range" is NOT a diabetic... I can promise you that!

Anyway... so there is my complaining for the day. I'm sure you enjoyed it just as much as I did!

TPB quote of the day:
Westley-It's possible pig... you miserable warthog buffoon...
Prince Humperdinck-I think that is the first time anyone has dared to insult me...
Westley-it won't be the last!

(Okay, so today it doesn't quite fit with the days topic, but it is so fun to say!)
Joyska at 12:29 PM


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