Joyska's Journal: Miriam's song

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Miriam's song

it's 7:00 on a gorgeous Sunday morning. The weather has gotten a little cooler than it has been, and it is nice. I've been putting together my lesson for the kids this morning and am amazed at what God is doing in MY heart.

We are focusing on worship, last week going over the story of Paul and Silas and how we can choose to worship even when things look like there is no way out. This morning we will focus on how worship is an expression of thanksgiving to God, and a declaration of his goodness. We will do that with the story of the crossion of the Red Sea and Miriam's song.

Have you read it lately? (Exodus 15:1-18) I was reading it last night and again this morning. My favourite verse is vs 11: "Who among the gods is like you O LORD? Who is like you-- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?" and then vs 13 "In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed."

Who is like you O LORD? Your unfailing love leads those you have redeemed...

I am moved by the beauty of that, and by the promise. This is written all in the context of God leading Israel out of Egypt and across the Red Sea ultimately drowning and DESTROYING their enemy. And the wonder today is that He never changes. He does the same thing today... he leads us out of the hard places and destroys our enemies. And He will.

Maybe that is what is striking me today... the faithfulness. He will lead us in and out of hard times, to teach us, to draw us closer to him, to show his faithfulness (in and out of the hard stuff) and to demonstrate his unfailing love for those he has redeemed.

And what then is our response? "Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea."

My plan is to tell the story of the crossing of the red sea, and then like Miriam, lead the kids in singing and dancing with the tamborines THEY make. I'm praying for his presence to manifest in us as we worship HIM!!!

Have a great Sunday!
Joyska at 5:06 AM


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