Joyska's Journal: glasses... again

Thursday, February 14, 2008

glasses... again

It's been a frustrating couple of days. Yesterday, I worked a split shift, which means I work from 8-2, and return for the evening 6-9. I usually don't mind this shift as I often return home or head downtown to read at the bookstore.
The weather here is still bone chilling cold and as a result I am often bundled up to where only my eyes are exposed to the minus 30 or colder temps. Yesterday, as I was waiting for the bus after the first half of my shift, I took off my glasses because they were fogging and freezing up. I folded them up, and put them in my pocket. Now I also where these insanely thick leather and wool mitts, so thinking I put them in my pocket, I must have dropped them. Whatever happened they are gone. I came back to the bus stop and searched for them, I'm calling the bus today, but am not holding my hopes up too high.
So today... after's time to search for a new pair of glasses. I'm sad because I really liked these ones. Oh well. When I returned to work, within minutes they were calling me "squinty" haha, so I guess I need them!
Other than that, I think I have finally come out of a sick fog, and am heading into realitive health. Here's praying!
Joyska at 4:37 AM


Blogger Erica said...

Bone chilling is a good way to describe it.
Sorry to hear about your glasses.
Glad that you're on the mend!

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joyska... Please email me or I will sing my version of OH CANADA...!! ha ha!
Love ya miss ya and we both have lots to tell each other!
DRD_artist yahoo dot com

7:08 AM  

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