Today I went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Union Station here in KC. They are here until the end of May and it was amazing.
The first part of the presentation was a short movie on the history and when and where the scrolls were found. Then, with the help of these amazing little audio devices, I walked through the rest of the exhibit. It started with a lot of information about where the scrolls were found, and about the people who found them, and the way they were preserved for so many years. The translation process and the whole piecing it all together was laid out as well. Back when they were first found, they actually pieced them together using TAPE until they realized that was causing damage! They were also, at one point in the 50's actually advertized in the Wall Street Journal FOR SALE!
Amazing. Then it was a time line, and history of the Jewish culture etc. I love that kind of stuff! And then finally... with great anticipation, I walked into the next room and saw the pieces of the scrolls, each carefully under glass, each well explained and displayed. There were portions of Job, Isaiah, Deuteronomy, and Psalms, and it was very cool. A piece of history... right before my eyes.
I forgot how much I enjoyed museums! :)
Anyway. It was a good day.
Tomorrow morning (bright and early) I get up early, and go to the SAINT PATRICK'S DAY PARADE!! I'm part of the "man on the street, one on one video interviews!" Should be fun! I'll blog more about it tomorrow! :)