Joyska's Journal: February 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

redeeming the insomnia!

well, it's official... if you can't fight 'em, join 'em!

I as of today have started doing night watch. I found that for the last few months I have been awake until 3 or 4 am on a regular basis. Now, I am a stones throw from the prayer room and have wandered over there many late nights, wanting to do anything other than just lay on my bed staring at the cieling or baking cookies that no one in our apartment needs to eat!

Anyway, I am excited about this switch. I am doing the midnight to 4 or 5 Sunday through Thursday. I am hoping to get on a worship team so that it will actually be 4 hours a night in the prayer room, praying, writing, drawing (yes, i have picked up my pencils, pencil crayons, and pastels again) and 12 hours a week on a worship team. That, with the 10-12 hours a week with Hope ity (at least that is all for now) makes up all my hours.

I really think I will enjoy the Night Watch. It is a smaller amount of people, although there are well over a hundred people here right now (for 2:30 am) that is pretty cool. I'm impressed.

Tonight I came in at 10:30, so I can ease into this gradually. Tomorrow...midnight to 4:00. Can't wait. So as you sleep and dream, know that I am praying... for revival, for breakthrough in your lives, and for the Lord to do the work that I so often try to do for Him!

Please pray for my dad this Tuesday. He is going to Toronto to go over the results of his most recent MRI. Please continue to pray for complete healing of his MS and the Diabities. I am believing God for a miracle! Please pray with me.
Joyska at 12:24 AM

Friday, February 24, 2006

we're having a heat wave... a tropical heat wave

68 degrees F today folks -- predicted 75 on Wednesday... (for my canadian friends, that would be a balmy 19 degrees C today and 22 on Wednesday) uh.... February in Kansas City! :)
Joyska at 6:39 AM

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

wednesday already?

Wow, time is going fast again.

Of course I went downtown yesterday and was glad as always to go. The prayer meeting was awesome. There is an urgency growing in all of us, to be on our faces for whatever it is that God wants to break through. There is always movement in the Spirit, we feel it, we know it and it keeps us pursuing all that he has. Recently the constant saying is both 3 points (said whenever God confirms something or something cool happens...accompanied by both arms in the air) and It's not my idea (meaning that all of what we are doing and will do is God's idea... not ours).

Words to live by... praise and surrender.
Joyska at 8:14 PM

Saturday, February 18, 2006


The age old question... what is community?

I think I saw it in action today. I went to a friends birthday party. I sat around a table with a group of women and the men where in the living room just around the corner. The laughter in those two rooms... wow. As I sat and listened to story after story, I realized that I was being grafted into a group of people who have 25 years of history and friendship together. It was amazing. These people talked about the things that have embarassed them through the years, things they fought over, things they banded together to overcome. We were there to celebrate one person's life and ended up celebrating history and relationship. It was cool, and a privilege to be a part of.

One thing I walked away from this party with was this... these folks would go to hell and back for each other and they all know it. That is a huge part of community I think... people are there when it counts, and they are there because they want to be... not because they have to be. Very cool.
Joyska at 7:28 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Last Battle

This is the last page of The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis... I love these books!

The light ahead was growing stronger. Lucy saw that a great series of many-colored cliffs led up in front of them like a giant's staircase. And then she forgot everything else, because Aslan himself was coming, leaping down from cliff to cliff like a living cataract of power and beauty...
Then Aslan turned to them and said: 'You do not yet look so happy as I mean you to be.'
Lucy said, 'We're so afraid of being sent away, Aslan. And you have sent us back into our own world so often.'
'No fear of that,' said Aslan. 'Have you not guessed?'
Their hearts leaped and a wild hope rose within them.
'There was a real railway accident,' said Aslan softly. 'Your father and mother and all of you are--as you used to call it in the Shadowlands--dead. The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning.'
And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before."

God's plan is SO much bigger and better than the here and now! Thank you Jesus!!
Joyska at 7:29 PM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

After a crazy weekend at the conference, I've been laying a little low. The Lord has many things to say to me these days and they aren't always things I like to hear, so I keep reading, praying, worshipping and keeping my head down.

Best place to be I guess.

It's Tuesday... which of course means heading downtown. We are in a "forced" transition right now, because the building we are meeting in currently sounds like it is being sold. Which means we need to move on... as do all the tenants. SOOO... we are in search of a new "home" and trying to keep track of all the people as they scramble to make new arrangements. Not always easy when you are dealing with addictions, checks (cheques for my Canadian readers) and other such dilemmas. We know that God is in this, because there is a sense of anticipation for what he has next. Lots of ideas, lots of possibilities, but we know that God will show it to us. Goldie, my dear friend, is struggling with all this so please pray for her. It's hard in transition to stay focused on what you know God has called you to. She wants to stay clean and strong, and she needs more than a once a week fellowship so we are brainstorming what we can do to help not only Goldie, but the other 50 people we know and love there as well.

I tell ya, if I had the money, I would find a great big beautiful home and give it to Goldie and her family to live in... away from the temptations of the drug dealers, away from the pain of the people on the streets, and I would fill that house with worship, prayer, and people who would love on her for the rest of her life! Well until then, I guess we keep tabs on em, and help as the Lord allows.

Have I mentioned that I hate money? Okay, i don't hate money... I hate the lack of money....

Don't we all.

Be blessed... God has everything we need!
Joyska at 9:49 PM

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Healings, Lots of People and Snow

Weather update... it is snowing in Kansas City!

Conference Update... It's the Signs and Wonders Conference at IHOP once again. It is exciting to be in a place where God is working signs and wonders. There have been a number of documented healings this weekend, but I want to tell you about one that involves one of our own Canadians!

Pam, my friend from Brandon Manitoba has been faithfully ministering to the children who come along with the Intro to IHOP interns. This term she has about 16 that she meets with everytime the Intro interns are meeting. They (Pam and the kids) have been talking about healing and the power of God. They gathered together around one of the little girls (Gracie) and began to pray for her cross eyes. She could only see double without her glasses. Well Pam and the kids prayed, she took off her glasses and cried out: "I only see one of you!" to which Pam and all the kids praised God... or as Gracie says..."Miss Pam freaked out!" It is awesome to see.

Last night at the conference the speaker (Chavda?) sorry.. i'll get his name right in my next post... prayed and laughed his way through numerous healings of back problems, legs growing, all sorts of stuff... I was with the kids who were having their own breakthoughs in Worship and intercession, but I hear the room was electric! Even my roommate received a specific word! Very fun stuff. A frind of ours dad came down for the conference with a bad heart and gave testimony yesterday that he can breathe deeply and keep up with his 6'5" son (walking) for the first time in years... even out walked his wife who walks three miles a day! Yeah God.

There is standing room only at this conference. 1500 people... or more. 107 kids between 6-12 and 50 under the age of 5. To put that in perspective -- we have an average of 250 to 300 kids at One Thing... and the attendance there is 10,000.... mostly young adults I realize, but the numbers at this conference are intense. we are quickly out growing facilities here!

Anyway, I have to run. It's the last day of the conference and the children are waiting! heehee. Be blessed!
Joyska at 6:05 AM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

God is on the move

Have you heard?
There are Holy Spirit encounters happening in two college campuses as we speak.
Asbury college in Kentucky started a student chapel yesterday at 10:00 am, as of 1/2 hour ago... there were three hundred students still there and encountering God. There are students giving words, staff and faculty praying over students, dancing, and worship... yeah God.

Then i only heard this briefly and don't know the details, but Northwestern is seemingly under the same encounter as of today.

Then today, the Israel intercession meeting that goes from 4:00 - 6:00, was still going strong at 9:00. It seems to have gone back to the regular ebb and flow of intercession and devotional, worship in the word, but it is a full room and energized, and when I was there... you could feel there was a difference in the room.

So as you watch the news and see lots of scary things... know that as the darkness darkens, the light gets brighter.

Pretty cool eh?
Joyska at 8:45 PM

Friday, February 03, 2006

sorry... haven't felt like blogging lately... we'll get it together soon.
Joyska at 2:06 PM