Joyska's Journal: February 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

the comments

Okay, now I realize that my glasses were a bold choice. I really like them! There have been a lot of comments at work, mostly from the patrons. I have heard everything from "You CHOSE those?!" to "You look like a movie star". Here are my top 10:

1o. I'll return it to the pretty girl in the red glasses
9. There is a cartoon character that you remind me of... (yah... marty the martian)
8. Hey, Sally Jessie Raphael!
7. You have the style of Elton John
6. They suit your personality...
5. I like them... would never wear them, but I like them
4. You like Coke just a little too much!
3. are those diamonds REAL?!?!?!
2. How much you want for those?

And my favourite:

1. You look amazing. Seriously... amazing!

Never had so many comments on a new pair of glasses! haha. Can't wait til the other pair are ready... They aren't quite as bold, but they are unique!
Joyska at 4:49 AM

Monday, February 25, 2008

bright red!

Here is one of my new pair of glasses! The other ones will hopefully be ready next week!
Joyska at 8:11 PM

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

woo hoo!

Well, one set of my new glasses are in already! YEAH! But I have to wait til Friday so I can pay for them! I'm not sure which pair, but I am so excited I'll be able to see BEFORE Sunday!

What is Sunday? Well, the OSCARS of course. For years my friends have been having an Oscar party in which everyone brings food that goes with one of the five Best Movie Nominees. I have missed many of the parties as I've been in other countries or places. Last year I was painting my apartment in Kansas City. Wow, life changes. THIS YEAR, I am going to the party and my movie to represent is Michael Clayton. I am so glad that I will be able to see. This is a big night for us movie fanatics.

Joyska at 11:20 AM

Friday, February 15, 2008

the wait

Well, I bought new glasses yesterday, but because of my prescription, it's a 2 WEEK WAIT! ARGG! They are very cool glasses though, in fact it's 2 PAIRS for the price of one! Both pair are very chic and modern, one more so than the other, but alas... won't have them until the 28th or so....

So in the meantime, just call me squinty and send over some advil for the headaches.
Joyska at 4:55 AM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

glasses... again

It's been a frustrating couple of days. Yesterday, I worked a split shift, which means I work from 8-2, and return for the evening 6-9. I usually don't mind this shift as I often return home or head downtown to read at the bookstore.
The weather here is still bone chilling cold and as a result I am often bundled up to where only my eyes are exposed to the minus 30 or colder temps. Yesterday, as I was waiting for the bus after the first half of my shift, I took off my glasses because they were fogging and freezing up. I folded them up, and put them in my pocket. Now I also where these insanely thick leather and wool mitts, so thinking I put them in my pocket, I must have dropped them. Whatever happened they are gone. I came back to the bus stop and searched for them, I'm calling the bus today, but am not holding my hopes up too high.
So today... after's time to search for a new pair of glasses. I'm sad because I really liked these ones. Oh well. When I returned to work, within minutes they were calling me "squinty" haha, so I guess I need them!
Other than that, I think I have finally come out of a sick fog, and am heading into realitive health. Here's praying!
Joyska at 4:37 AM

Saturday, February 09, 2008

quick look

Well, my review went fairly well. I'm still working :) so that is always good.
It's funny how we evaluate ourselves differently than others see us. Sometimes we are blind to things and sometimes overly aware and afraid of other things. I like the verse that says "do not think of yourself more highly than you should", it's not a self depracation thing, it's a how can I improve in this area or that area kind of thing.

Anyway, work is going well. That really is my life these days, so there isn't a lot to write about. I can't for the privacy of the patrons, show a lot of pics, or tell a lot of specific stories, so what I WANT to write, I have to find ways of disguising first.

I also find that once I am home, it's hard to do a whole lot of anything. Part of it has been being sick for so long, part is because I love my new "haven", and I think the other is I'm just tired. So life isn't necessarily edge of your seat exciting, but it is good.

I did start listening to a series on Revelation by David Pawson. I've listened to it before, but it is soooo good. It's the only book that comes with a blessing for those who read and understand it, and a curse for those who add or take away... I'm loving looking at it again. The seven letters to the churches are amazing and full of insight of WHO Jesus is. Anyway, I'm enjoying it.

Gotta go to work! Later.
Joyska at 5:03 AM