Cheryl and I were driving back from the movie "Oceans 12" (GREAT MOVIE by the way) when we came across 2 (yes 2...not 1, but 2) white limos. Now this would have been fine if they had been in route to or from the airport, or heading to Tuxedo, or even to a hot spot downtown. But no, what made them suspicious, was that they were turning down Euclid and heading down Lusted. Now if you are not familiar with those street names they are located in the North end of Winnipeg... a block from where we live. This is not a typical area for limos... especially 2 limos... not to mention white limos... (why that is significant, I do not know... it's just suspicious).
Now I was content enough to leave it at that...hmmm, that's odd... would have been sufficient for my level of excitement. Now, I don't know if Cheryl is just more curious than I am (being a mennonite and all hehehehe) but she says, "should we follow them?" Again, there was no way I was all that interested, but it did sound like fun... stupid maybe, but fun. So of course, I say Yes... let's do it!
So we follow the limos (both of them) down Lusted. One of the limos stop on the corner by the park... the driver gets out, looks around and gets back in... we drive slowly by, and now we have one of the limos FOLLOWING us! Cheryl leads the guy on a wild ride through the back lanes at break neck speeds... (actually she drove extra slow through the main streets so as the limo could follow... the other way sounds more fun!) The limo continues to follow us up and down many streets. We drive past Lusted again and realize that the other limo is still parked there.
I'm not sure who thought it first, but we both started realizing this probably was NOT a good idea. In our neighbourhood, it could be a gang, the Asian mafia, the police on some undercover thing that we were screwing up for them, or just two limos lost in the North end following us as to get directions! Yeah that was it!
Anyway, Cheryl managed to shake the limo, and we inconspiculously (fun word) went home. As far as we can tell, it was a harmless couple of limos lost in the north end... or was it?! (dunt-dunt-dunt- dunt....think jaws theme music)
Word to the wise, if you see any white limos driving around in the North end... just leave em alone!