There has been a challenge that has gone out to those of us here at IHOP. I've heard it said in many ways over the past three monhs and have grabbed a hold of it to some extent... but then, have been quick to let it go.
Yesterday, during the all staff staff meeting, Mike Bickle said it again super clear. He invited us all to do the following:
1.Make a covenant with our eyes (to be vigilent about what we allow our eyes to see)
2.Bridal our tongues (James 3:2-- to be adament that only good and necessary words come out of our mouths... so much is said in a day that is idle talk or harmful --whether gossip, critisism, or vulgar speech)
3.Control our time (the challenge was to be diligent with every hour we have... not ever to waste our time... rest and relaxation is important and needed, but we do way more of it than is necessary... contrary to what society would say...)
4.Control and be faithful with finances ( to really be aware of how we spend our money... and to use it for the furtherance of God's kingdom and plan)
To do these four things will take away a lot of the other issues we deal with. Of course, as I have been looking at this, I have also covenanted to read and study more, to find myself in his presense as often as I can, and to be diligent in all the things that I put my hands to here. Especially as it pertains to the next generation and the inner city.
It's hard, in this format, to express the hugeness of this even here at IHOP. As Christians we want to draw people by grace, and by his mercy, that this stuff borders on legalism, but it isn't. It is a call to a life apart, to be in the world but not of it. When I moved here, I felt a deep need to get rid of all the things that are distractions for me. It wasn't easy, but I knew it was right. And I know it is going to have only good things as a result. This challenge is just taking that a step further. It isn't just youthful zeal, it's in a sense soul survival.
Jonathan Edwards had a set of 70 resolutions as standards for his own life, saying,"Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat Him by His grace, to enable me to keep these resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to His will, for Christ's sake. Remember to read these resolutions every week."
hmm... not a bad idea.