Joyska's Journal: December 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007

Today (with the help of my friend Derek) I moved the rest of my boxes from Cheryl's house to MY house. My house. Sounds nice.

It's snowing outside, and all I need is my tree set up... ahhh, but that is for another year. We are now looking forward to the new year and all it has to bring. I certainly wouldn't have thought a year ago that I would be back in Winnipeg, working at Siloam Mission and renting my own house. Last year at this time we were just getting through the Christmas rush at Hope City and IHOP and were praying for the new year. It was just over a year ago that Hope City changed gears too,,, from a feeding ministry that prayed to a praying ministry that feeds. 2 Chronicles 29:11 changed many things.

Then, there is now. I am working full time in a homeless mission and a part of Sanctuary House of Prayer, I miss Kansas City, IHOP, Hope City, and mostly the people... a lot, but I am glad to be here too. I'm learning a lot about what it means to be homeless in winter and very, very cold weather, what it means to be poor in one of the richest countries in the world, and how all I can do to truely make a difference is pray and treat people... all people ...with dignity.

Good lessons. Who knows what will happen this year :)
Joyska at 5:45 PM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Movin in

Well, I am officially in my own home. I moved in "partially" or at least enough to sleep here. I got my essentials... tv, internet, phone and a place to sleep. I am happy to be here, and looking forward to having everything I own in one place again. That may take a little time as some things are still in Kansas City, but the stuff at my former place of residence hopefully will be here in the next few days.

I am living simply for sure, but as time goes by, I know I'll have everything I need. I hope to take some pics tomorrow and post them to give you all a visual of my new digs.

Christmas is over and it was a good one as Christmases go. I worked the 24th, where we had three sittings for a Christmas meal, the 25th, which was a Christmas breakfast and Boxing Day, which for us at Siloam was a regular day. I now have two days off to get settled in my new house. I was successful at watching all of my Christmas movies...complete with White Christmas on Christmas day. In some ways the break from a nightly movie is good :)

So here we go... life back to normal and starting over in a new home. It's good :)
Joyska at 2:57 PM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Manitoba Moose Vs. Hamilton Bulldogs

No Christmas movie tonight... Went to a Manitoba Moose game at the MTS Centre. What a great facility and a great game. The Moose won in overtime 3-2 in the last 25 seconds of the sudden death round. Too fun. I went with Teresa, the director of patron Services at Siloam mission and it was a great time. I'm still in awe of the arena... very cool.

I just have one question... If the plural of Goose is geese... Why isn't the plural of Moose, meese? And by the way mom, I need to get you a moose t-shirt, hahahaha
Joyska at 9:04 PM

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Movie #19

Second half of Sound of Music.

There are so many times that I have watched this movie that I was able to do other things while watching and not skip a beat! I could sing along, even quote the lines, and still concentrate on what else I was doing. But it isn't Christmas without one viewing of this movie! It is however far too long to watch on Christmas Day itself, unless I'm really snowed in or something crazy like that.

Christmas is literally 5 days away! It came fast this year. Probably because I've been so busy, but it really amamzes me how fast time is going by. The weather is finally warming a bit (only -3 C as opposed to -30C!) so that makes it better to be outside. I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow and I'm moving next Thursday. WOO HOO!! Should be good.

Well off to work once again. Not sure which movie is tonight, but I'll figure it out AFTER a bday party I am attending. Fun fun.

Joyska at 4:46 AM

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"the hills are alive..."

Yes, movie # 18 was the first half of Sound of Music. I would have watched the whole thing, but I am too tired and I need to be up early again tomorrow. There are so many favourite scenes in this movie and though technically not a movie ABOUT Christmas, it is a movie that I watch every Christmas. So technically that makes it a Christmas movie.

Today was a great day. So many things go on in a day at Siloam. The best part of my day was one man telling me about his experiences in the war (never did quite figure out WHICH war) and how he believed God was looking out for him and kept him safe and that every day is worth celebrating... "even if you got nothin", I like this man. He makes me laugh at least once a day, and yet can sit down and talk my ear off if I let him. His most common saying is "it wasn't like that in my day... in my day there was respect" How true it is.

Well. I just yawned big enough to swallow my face, so I had better head to bed. WOW... 10:00 and I'm going to bed... who would of thunk it?

I must still be sick. blach.
Joyska at 8:15 PM

Monday, December 17, 2007

Day #16 and #17

Do you ever feel like life is a blur and just keeps skating by quickly? I can't believe it's December 17th already!

I've been working lots and lots of hours and trying to get shopping done, and trying to figure out how and when to move into my new house! It's all coming together slowly and surely. On top of all that, I have been trying to fight this constant feeling of tiredness and sicklyness. It just doesn't want to let go. This week I am working overtime hours again and have one day off. It's busy busy.

I watched a couple short ones the last two days as I have been getting homw later than I expected. I watched Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol and It's Christmas Again Charlie Brown. Both are good half hour shows, but not ones I will watch again Christmas Day.

At work we have had some amazing presentations. In the last 2 weeks we have had a group of drum and pipe players (yes, 13 bagpipes complete with men in kilts), a flute choir, a Christmas play, and tonight a choir singing Christmas Carols. It makes it very festive :)

I will try to take some pics in the next few days and post them. I just have to be careful that I don't get the patron's faces. We will see how that goes.

Alrighty... nighty night time.
Joyska at 8:07 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

movie night # 15

Tonight was once again one of my favourites. "Holiday Inn"

Bing Crosby has always been one of my all time top 3 of crooners and singers. He is once again amazing in this classic film. It covers every Holiday (American Holiday) in a year, and weaves it together from Christmas Eve to Christmas Eve. It's a music packed movie and has some great movies and dance performances... and yes, it's black and white :)

We are 10 days out from the "day". I'll continue to keep you posted :)

Joyska at 8:40 PM

Friday, December 14, 2007

catching up again

Okay, so it's been a busy week. I've worked 45 hours this week and had something up pretty much every night, and am still not feeling 100%, SOOOOO nightly movies are not always possible.

Tonight I watched "Santa Clause" with Tim Allen. A pretty good Christmas movie as far as comedy goes. I also watched "Unaccompanied Minors" which came out in the last couple of years... better than I expected as it was a new buy for me this year. It was actually more than a slapstick kid out of control movie, it was fun and entertaining... not a classic, necessarily, but good.

I also watched the other night, my newest favourite, "The Polar Express". That will be a Christmas day rewatch as well. Such a great story and the animation (using Tom Hanks) is great. So there is the catch up.

I think I have one more to watch yet tonight to get completely caught up, so I think It will be.... Miracle on 34th St. That is one of my all time favs... and the one my mom got for me a few years ago :)

Anyway... gotta go... one more movie and it's off to bed. Later.
Joyska at 7:18 PM

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Catching up

Christmas movies # 8 and #9
Because I missed a day, I spent the morning watching 2 Christmas Classics. Okay, one is a modern day silly crazy Christmas Classic, but it is fun to watch. I watched "A Christmas Story" first, a story about a young boy who wants a bebe gun for Christmas and is met with the answer "You'll shoot your eye out!" It is silly, goofy and rather juvenile, but it is a Christmas must.

Then I followed it with of course one of the best Christmas movies EVER! "It's A Wonderful Life" I usually end up watching this one more than once and ALWAYS on Christmas day. I'm a sucker for the old black and whites!

Today I am finally returning to Sanctuary (after a three week sickness keeping me away). It will be good to be back for sure!

Oh about the house. I am moving on Jan 1st into a 3 bedroom house just a block from where I used to live 5 years ago. The upstairs is one room (to be my bedroom of course), and the main floor has two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room and of course a bathroom. It's a cute little house and am quite excited to move in. I got the keys yesterday and will be slowly moving stuff in. I gave away almost everything so I get the privilege of starting over. WOO HOO. So, if you know anyone looking to get rid of any furniture... let me know :)

Have a great day! Enjoy the weather :)

Joyska at 9:40 AM

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Charlie Brown and furniture

Movie #7
A Charlie Brown Christmas.
The true meaning of Christmas comes through as Linus recites the Birth of Jesus from Luke 2. It's a story told over and over again, as people are over run by the commercialism of Christmas and the busyness of it all that the real purpose and reason for the season (to borrow a catch phrase) is Jesus coming to earth, not to visit, not to "check it out" but to save mankind from themselves and restore relationship with the Father. Okay, so that isn't all in A Charlie Brown Christmas, but it is in the Bible... and that trumps Charlie every time! :)

I spent the day today in the midst of that commercialism. I was out looking at furniture for my new apartment (now officially official). I was excited as the day started and more and more discouraged as the day went on. My credit is not great and therefore any payment plans are not an option, so it is time to save up before I get that perfect living room set. That in and of itself is not what discouraged me though. It was the fact that my whole day became about spending money. It became about what I wanted, what I felt I should have. The reality is, and I'm glad I came to my senses, that God gives me what I need WHEN I need it. I don't need to have all these big bills to own nice things, I need to trust the Lord. Funny how quickly that is a lesson learned that is forgotten. Materialism and commercialism takes over quickly when you let it. Sure it would be nice to have some new furniture, but it will also be nice to have my own home. The rest will come.

So there you go, from Charlie Brown to furniture woes, and a reminder that Jesus has come to set me free of anything and EVERYTHING that holds me to this life in exchange for eternity with Him. That is the true gift of Christmas!
Joyska at 9:01 PM

Friday, December 07, 2007

Day 6 and 7

Well, yesterday I was sicker than I have felt for awhile (scary but true) so I went to bed at 8:00 and didn't get up until 11:00 this morning... so, no Christmas movie yesterday.
Today however, I watched the classic Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Yep... truly a classic. My favorite is the elf who wants to be a dentist and his revenge on the bumble snowman... By the way, did you know that Bumbles bounce? hahahaha. Classic.

On the more serious side, I got an email today from my boss that really sobered me. In our art room at Siloam there is one painting that simply says:"my mother didn't feed me. 1 Timothy 5:8". I've looked at it many times, but never took the time to look up what the verse was. My boss did today and this is what it says:

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." The context is in caring for the widows in our midst, but the rawness of the painting is still as powerful. We are commanded to care for our own, to make sure that they are loved and looked after. When it doesn't happen, deep wounds occur. The creator of this painting feels that wound. This patron feels the abandonment of that, the betrayal of it, and the bitterness of it as well. Five words that speak volumes in the context of the verse.

That in many ways is why places like Hope City and Siloam exist. We become family, we become ones who care when many feel like no one else does. It's not about the food, or the clothing, or the services provided. It's about the connections, the friendships, the life that gets spoken into the hearts of those who come in, and the life they speak into me. We say at Siloam alot, we can't save anyone, and we aren't supposed to. We are there to love as Jesus loved, to pray and to point them to the One who can save them, who can heal them, who can change them from the inside out. I believe that in doing so, everyone grows and changes, especially me.

I remember Lisa saying that prayer is weakness. It's recognizing there is nothing I can do, and depending on God for everything. Prayer makes more and more sense to me everyday. There is a wind chill warning tonight, as it is supposed to feel like -40 degrees. I can do nothing to change the homeless situation, but I can pray and obey and as my friend Deb says, and then get out of the way.

The truth of it is, being weak is exactly what we are supposed to be.

Joyska at 10:11 PM

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Movie # 5

How the Grinch Stole Christmas-- the live version with Jim Carey
Honestly, a funny movie that makes me smile everytime I watch it. I brought it to Siloam this week too, for our Movie Tuesday and was pleased that they enjoyed it to. My favourite moment is when Cindy Lou Who sings "Where are you Christmas, why can't I find you?"

Such a classic

As a side note... it is FAR TOO COLD already! It was -20 F this am... that would -33 C. I was outside 6 hours today, and again tomorrow. It's a great opportunity to get a feel of what my new friends go through every day. I don't know how they survive. And yet they do. Every morning at 8:00 am, they come in, some having spent the night in the shelter, some having found other places, but all of them bundled up and cold, and well... relatively speaking, happy. I'm learning alot!

Anyway, one more day of work on a long 12 day stint (with a day off in there) and then, 3 days off. Looking forward to that!

I also have a new residence as of January 1. Yes, I am moving into a 3 bedroom home on Alfred. Yes... I used to live on Alfred, and no, it's not the same house. I'll tell more when it is all Officially Official. K... tired, late, must sleep.
Joyska at 8:50 PM

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Last night was "toy that saved Christmas" -- another Veggie Tales classic Christmas movie.
Tonight was "the Nativity Story" -- brilliantly done! I love it...

more later!
Joyska at 6:21 PM

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Tis the Season

Movie Day #2

The Star of Christmas featuring those adorable little vegetables, Bob and Larry.

It's a great story of finding the true meaning of Christmas. Bob wants to "teach London how to love" using a great musical production, when really all it takes is the truth of a God who loves us regardless of the fact that we don't deserve it. Great little video.

I went to work this afternoon and realized again that these are incredible people that I work with. Each one has such amazing stories to tell, and such humour in the telling. There is one gentleman that jokes with me everytime about his name, that I had the audacity to call him "sir" once, and now every day need to prove to him that I DO know his name. Then there is the guy who finds it hilarious to tap me on one shoulder but stand on the other and laughs so hard when I look the wrong way. There is the man that told me all about his wife who died two years ago and why Christmas is such a hard time of year. Then there is the girl who can't get enough of joking with me and telling me how funny I am. I enjoy being there so much. I love hearing the stories and the jokes, and even the same jokes everyday. I think it's part of why being with the poor is so important to me, regardless of what they have been through or ARE going through, they laugh.

I am praying that the love of Jesus will be the true source of their joy, and that there is truth that encourages all of our hearts. I'm reminded in this advent season, that for that reason, He came. I love this season as we wait for the celebration of His birth. Every year that has a deeper meaning and a deeper expression. The movies are fun, but it's the story behind each film, each day before Christmas that keeps me anticipating His return.

Joyska at 9:09 PM

Saturday, December 01, 2007

a new christmas tradition

I love movies... more specifically... I love Christmas movies and I own well... 27 of them.
I now am starting a new tradition

One movie a night til Christmas, with a couple extra. Call it an advent of motion pictures. Tonight, I will begin with

"It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie" It's a great one to start with because it spoofs every Christmas movie ever made (at least the classic ones anyway). It's also one I thoroughly enjoy! That Pepe is HILARIOUS!!!

Anyway! Happy 1st of December!
Joyska at 6:45 PM