Joyska's Journal: August 2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Longing for more

I was in the prayer room this morning with the staff for our weekly staff prayer time. It was good and as everyone was leaving to go do the work of WCV, I was struck by a desire to know more... To know more of what God wants for our church, to know more of what he is doing in this city, to know more of what Canada means to Him, to know more of the truth for my own journey as I begin to turn my face to moving to the states. I just want to know...

But then I realize that I don't know for 2 reasons. 1. God's ways are too wonderful for me to comprehend and 2. If I knew all that we as a church, a city and a nation are going to go through in the next ten to twenty years, I probably would have some advise for God and a "better" idea! I am so weak in my understanding (as we all are) but sometimes I find myself saying... so ah God, have you ever thought of doing it this way? I love the scripture where it says "the God of heaven laughs" I think he gets a big kick out of me sometimes!!

So, since I am not in the council of the Almighty, and I lack the power of the all-powerful one, I will be content with trusting his soveriegnty and resting in the reality that he loves me, and that is all I need to know! And besides, if I have learned anything in this last year, it is about knowing anyway, it's about living out that daily real relationship with our king and knowing his love by experience not only knowledge.

But would it be so wrong to let the Bombers win a few this year?

TPB quote of the day:
Good night westley, sleep well, I'll most likely kill you in the morning. (Talk about wanting to know more of the future!)

Have a great day!
Joyska at 11:28 AM

Monday, August 30, 2004

Kansas City here I come!

Well, it is officially announced now... I am moving to Kansas City.

God has taken me on such a journey over the last 2 months. While in Kansas City with Yvonne and Jason in the beginning of July, I had the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with Lenny Laguardia (he heads up the Children's Equipping Center there) and we talked a lot about what was happening here in Winnipeg and what could be done here to continue to move our kids from a place of knowing about God and Jesus to a place of knowing him in a daily real relationship. It was awesome to connect with him and some of the other staff there. By the end of the week however, there was a clear invitation given to come and join the team there as a missionary to the inner city of Kansas City... literally to design and develop and inner city outreact to the children of that city. My heart jumped when the invitation was given and I have been processing it ever since.

When I returned to Winnipeg mid July, I entered into a month long fast and spent many hours praying and asking God for a time frame. By the end of that month (only a couple of weeks ago) I knew that I needed to start the process. So I gave a yes to the International House of Prayer (IHOP) and the process of a Visa and raising support have begun.

The projected departure date is early January, 2005. There is much to fall into place before then, not the least of which is continueing to solidify the children's ministry at WCV. I know that God is faithful and all will fall into place as he wills it.

I am very excited about this opportunity and know in my heart it is for me to do. Let me know what you think!

tpb quote of the day:
Westly: " If we even had a wheelbarrow, that would be something"
Inigo: " Where did we put that wheelbarrow the albino had?"
Fezzik: " By the albino, I think"
westly: "Why didn't you list that among our assetts in the first place?"

Have a great day!
Joyska at 12:01 PM

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Purpose in your heart

I can't seem to get that phrase out of my head. "Purpose in your heart..." Don't give way, let it be a non-negotiable... choose health and life. For some that are reading this you are probably saying something like "well of course, why wouldn't you?" But I believe there are others who are reading this that know exactly why this is a profound way of thinking. So to enlighten those of you who don't quite understand, let me try to explain.

There is so much that wars against my choosing to be healthy and taking the steps to get there. Some of it is life circumstance, some of it is lack of self control, some of it is laziness, but I believe there is so much more to it than the obvious "excuses."

I was watching a very candid interview with Wynona Judd on Oprah the other day. She was very vulnerable and honest about her weight issues and how she struggles with health. What struck me was her "revelation" that gave her the courage to begin to make changes was that she is a child of God.

UNTIL we realize who we are in HIM we will never be free of our own circumstances, laziness, lack of self control or whatever else trips us up. Daniel purposed in His heart to choose God, long before he chose to not eat the food that the king offered that Daniel knew would "defile" him. It wasn't about what food he was going to eat or not eat, it was about obedience to the God he loved, and the desire to keep his life pure and true to the love of his life.

So, does that mean I will never eat an unhealthy food again? I wish it did, but I know it isn't necessarily about that... it's about falling in love with the one who created me and recognizing the depth of affection and love he has for me.

This may sound a bit more serious than the usual fair you find on this blog... but hey, it's Sunday and God is capturing my heart more each day, I just wanted to acknowledge it and share the wonder of it.

TPB quote:

"You're alive... if you want, I could fly!"
Joyska at 8:33 AM

Friday, August 27, 2004


Yes it was wet, yes it was cold and yes the bombers lost!
BUT... I laughed at Yvonne and Cheryl as they huddled together for warmth underneath two umbrellas miserably discussing ways to kill Kristen and I for inviting them to such a barbaric event! I said at one point, "You made it through the first quarter!" to which Yvonne replied "It was the longest 15 minutes of my life" My favourite though, was after the Bombers made their first point, Yvonne with hope in her eyes, "so how many points til the games over?" Oh Yvonne... we love ya!

Kristen, Stephen and I actually loved it! Becky Hill, Yvonne and Cheryl Janzen liked it less... that's a fair way to say it. I must say though there was a glimmer of hope when we were tied at 10 in the second quarter. Say what you will about the Bombers, but Mintreal is one of the teams in the CFL that is really doing well. So to be tie with them and end the game at 13 to 29 wasn't as bad as it sounds.

The weather however would have been great and even expected for an October game. Cheryl said it best on the way home... "sometimes I think, hey it could be worse, it could be snowing. And then I remember that it is August!" Well it is a summer we will never forget... and as far as the game is concerned... it is one Yvonne will never forget either! hehehehe

Tpb quote
I'm not saying I would want to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely!
Joyska at 10:54 AM

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Diabities sucks!

For those of you who know me well, that is as close to a swear word as I am willing to articulate! Diabities is a dangerous disease that I have been fighting with for 11 years. Granted, I am not a good diabetic, I like sweet things and usually don't think twice about eating some of my "cup of everything" cookies or the occasional chocolate bar. I have also been told for years that it is the long term effects I need to be concerned about, not so much the immediate. Well, they want to put me on insulin now. I have been on medication for the past nine years or so, and have been pretty sporadic with that too. So here we go, into a new phase of the disease...

It was interesting though. I came home last night after a meeting with some parents and went to my room to keep working through a study on Daniel. I left off on verse 8 where it says "But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine..." and the commentary went on to say "he purposed in his heart". I was struck by that... he purposed in his heart because it means he literally made it a priority, a determination to not defile his body.

Now again, I am not known for healthy choices, but there is something in these words that is challenging my heart. I know I have to go on insulin... the reality of that is striking my heart too. But according to the Diabities educator that has been assigned to me (this is the third one ;( who lectures me) Diabetics can actually lead healthier lives than a lot of others because they are more conscience of their decisions and the way it affects their bodies... yeah, well... we will see.

All I ask is that if you think of me, please pray. God is up to a whole lot in my life right now, and this is just one of the areas that he has my attention. Oh what fun!

TPB quote for today:
"We are at an impass then" said the man in black
"I fear so", said the Sicilian "I cannot compete with you physically and you are no match for my brains."
"You are that smart then?"
"Think of it this way, You know Socrates, Plato... Morons"
"In that case I challenge you to a battle of wits"
"For the princess?"
"to the death."
"All right then I accept"
"Pour the wine"

Have a great day!
Joyska at 10:32 AM

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

HAHAHA - commercial fun

Has anyone noticed that TV commercials are getting funnier and funnier? My current running favourite is the new Brownie batter blizzard commercial for Dairy Queen. I watched in absolute delighted horror as the guys tongue got caught in the mixer! And then "now I go to daiwy qween for theiw new bwownie badder bwizzard... ith's muth sathfer!" That one is followed by my next favourite, the commercial for KFC where the woman is walking down the street points and begins screaming in terror... she sees a leaf that has fallen from the tree as the announcer says "summer wont last forever..."

I laughed quite hard when I saw that. All I can say is that the ad agencies must have hired some pretty quick and witty personel these days... What's your favourite?

tpb quote: "life is pain your highness and anyone who tells you differently is selling something!" Man, I'm beginning to think there is a princess bride quote for every occassion!!!
Joyska at 6:22 PM

Monday, August 23, 2004

Babies galore!

I know that sitting around and counting how many babies have been born in our church may not sound like a fun morning to you, but, I tell ya, it's making me laugh. WCV has had 15 babies born in the last year and a bit... 15! and only 4 of them are girls! That may mean very little to you, but for those of us who are in Children's Ministry... it says a lot about what things will look like in the fall, not to mention 5 years from now when 11 boys and 4 girls hit kids church! If that were to happen today, we would almost double the grade ones to fours!! So why am I telling you all this... I don't know... trivia?

I guess more than anything I love the celebration (and heartache for the loss of River) that comes with each new birth and even though there are so many, I don't want to miss the wonder of each one. And I thank Jesus that they are all part of our body.

On another note... anybody want to volunteer for nursery this fall? hehehe
Joyska at 12:13 PM

Friday, August 20, 2004

Do you ever have one of those days when you wake up in the morning and feel like you can't even move? Or when you force yourself to get up and crawl into the shower and that doesn't even revive you? Or you go downstairs to grab a bowl of cereal before you have to rush out the door and then (after you have poured the cereal) discover you have no milk? Or you walk outside and realize that although it is the 20th of August it is only 3 degrees celcius outside and you are only wearing a t-shirt? So after you get to the place where you work, you discover that the building is unarmed and you are there by yourself trying to figure out if someone is in the building or if it is simply a mistake...

I never have days like that. I wake up every morning happy and refreshed. My showers always revive me even more and make me ready to face anything! I always have my refridgerator full of the necessary ingredients and always check the weather before I get dressed. And where I work everyone is perfect and never makes mistakes! (NOT!!!)

But now that I am here, i turn on my music, I sit back and read or pray and everything comes into perspective again. (until the photocopier breaks just as I need it!) It's amazing how quickly a day can be "ruined" isn't it?

My lesson for myself today is to see the good in everything, and to think on these things. "Whatever is pure, whatever is right, whatever is true, whatever is lovely, I will fix my thoughts on these things".

Have a great day!

TPB qoute:

Mawaige is what brwings us togever today. Wove, twue wove...
Joyska at 8:14 AM

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

blustery day

I am reminded this morning of Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. I went to sleep late last night and was awoken by the sound of a freight train coming through my window! The wind was so strong that it blew everything off my desk and caused me to loose my blankets in the gusts that came through my room. I lay on my bed for the next couple hours watching the lightening and listening to the thunder, and shivering as the cold wind swept through the house.

This morning as I was walking to the office I had to laugh because any attempt I had made at making my hair look nice was desimated the moment I opened the door and stepped out side. The wind grabbed the screen door, causing me to push it back with all my might... I felt like I was walking in a desert during a sand storm as I pushed my way up the street. There were tree branches and leaves everywhere and I have a feeling that if I would have just lifted my feet off the ground the wind could have taken me away. (that would have been awesome if it was blowing the same direction I was trying to go in!!!)

Needless to say, it is a very, very, blustery day.

Quote for today:
"You are wonderful... I hate to kill you"
to which Westly replies?

Have a great windy day!
Joyska at 7:43 AM

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

One Reason
(by jason Upton)
I lived my life for awhile,
asking for signs to believe in
God played defense in my trial,
quietly hanging there bleeding
While I cast lots for his robe
He pays debts that I owe
He says Father forgive them
I use to ask for a sign to believe in
But he never gave me a reason to ever doubt him

Give me one reason to doubt he is Messiah
Give me one reason to doubt he is alive
Give me one reason to doubt I am the apple of his eye

I see the faith of our fathers
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
They never saw what was promised
But they never once felt forsaken
Through fire, famine, and sword
Tribulation and war
They never asked for a sign to believe in
So tell me how we stand in Judgement and ever doubt him?

I was just really impacted by this song this morning... thought I would share it!
Joyska at 7:09 AM

Monday, August 16, 2004

Just call me Scarlett

I watched Gone With the Wind last night... or at least half of it. what an amazing flick. The title means that the society of the southern united states, as a result of the civil war, was gone with the wind. Everything they knew as normal disappeared and in the midst of it, Scarlet O'Hara goes from a spoiled, childish, helpless girl to a confident, determined and self relient woman. I think that is an amazing picture of what happens to all of us as we face difficult things. I stopped the movie when scarlett is standing on the hill vowing that she will never go hungry again... "As God as my witness..." it really is the turning point of the movie. She at that point choses to be a fighter when up to this point she really was a complainer with spunk.

So what's my point? No point really, just observations. Although, this past weekend I found myself being a complainer with spunk rather than a fighter with faith. My sugars (I am a diabetic) spiked this weekend for no apparent reason. This has happened before, but it was especially disheartening because I honestly believed that God had healed me. My initial response I must say was a defiant complaint... but God is amazingly patient with me. By Sunday, I was back in a place of saying "God, you are big and I am little... you do as you will (as if he needs my permission!) and I will fight the disease as dictated by modern medicine and simply wait for your healing"... because I believe it is coming, either in this life or the next...

So yeah... call me Scarlett. (though I haven't watched the second half of the movie for many years, so if that is a bad thing... just call me Joyska)

Princess Bride Quote:
"Pardon me, excuse me, please... Fezzik..."

Joyska at 10:30 AM

Thursday, August 12, 2004

parent survey

okay, I am sitting here trying to figure out what needs to happen for the kids in our church this fall. I had a parent night to ask parents yesterday and got some good imput for the older kids... now what about all you moms out there with little ones (5 and under). If you could have anything you wanted for your kids at church, what would you want? Dream, be creative... what are you looking for?

With what we are already doing at WCV, what would you NOT want to change, and what would you ABSOLUTELY like to see changed? (Please be specific). The new year always brings opportunity to change and make things better and I want to see that happen. The questions apply to our older kids as well, and can be answered by parent and non-parent type people... after all I'm not a parent and I have A LOT of influence on what things can look like!

I'm interested in your answers, so please, pass this on to others who might have something to say!

And now, what does Humperdink say to Wesley just before he sucks 50 years of his life away?

Have a great day!
Joyska at 1:27 PM

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The sun is shining!

The sun is shining! The sun is shining!

BUt it si still cold enough to need a sweat shirt... ah you got to love winnipeg!

I spent a lot of today just wandering around downtown, looking longingly into windows and pretending I had a lot of money. That lasted for about ten minutes and then I went down to McNally's to find a comfortable chair and read a book. (By the way I have the Princess Pride on hold for a day when I have a little more cash flow!) I found myself watching people rather than reading though. There was an old man that walked slower than molasses in January. People were trying to walk around him and he was totally oblivious to their growing frustration. I thought "how wonderful to be so oblivious!" Then the waiter came over and asked if I wanted more tea. Funny guy, he wouldn't come close to the table at all. I knew I had taken a shower this morning and was wearing perfume, so it couldn't have been my smell... or maybe he didn't like my perfume... so I thought. but I watched him at other tables and saw him doing the same thing. Maybe he's afraid of people... maybe he's in the wrong job!

Then I met a friend for lunch and watched as people crowded around mcdonalds and few lined up for the "healthier" choices, like Subway,Manchu wok, bankhok thai, koya and nikos. Interesting, even when presented with choice, people still choose mcdonald's. Anyone see the movie "supersized"?

Well, i think I rose to the challenge Yvonne presented in the last entry... I must admit, she scared me with her questions, but after much thought... I think I got the right answers. Now I have to go home and see if I was right...

The Princess Bride quote of the day...
hello... (what comes next?)
Joyska at 4:48 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

princess bride challenge

I only have a quick minute so...

Princess bride challenge:
What does Wesley say to the six fingered man when he orders the gaurds to take him to the ship?

Here's an idea... I think I have the whole movie burned into my brain... I challenge you to a duel... to the death... no to the pain! Try and stump ME on a quote... can it be done? Let's find out... Go ahead, let's see if it can be done

it's a battle of the minds in a way. Never fight with a dutchwoman when death is on the line! Hahahahahahahahaha....
Joyska at 1:04 PM

Monday, August 09, 2004

Dreary weather

Dreary weather always makes me want to crawl under the blankets and read a good book. (or watch a great movie or two). There is something about being alone on a wet cold day that I love. I tend to enjoy going to movies by myself and going to dinner on my own as it is and somehow the rain makes it even more enjoyable...

Okay hang on... the reality is that on a cold rainy day like today, i find myself running to the office dodging raindrops the size of golf balls from the trees, getting splashed by a passing bus, running straight through puddles the size of Lake Winnipeg (simply because there is no way around them) and then once I am in the building dripping wet, end up shivering all morning because the air conditioning is on! (But I must say that the rain did make my hair exceptionally curly). Does this sound like August or October?!

Whatever, I think I will reverse the process, run home and watch a really great movie... like maybe the princess bride!

Quote for today:
"Bye boys!"
"Have fun storming the castle!"
"Do you think it will work?"
"It will take a miracle!"

Princess Bride challenge: What was said after Miracle Max said "Get away from me witch!" ?

so ... have fun storming the castle!!!
Joyska at 12:32 PM

Saturday, August 07, 2004

going international!

Okay this blogger thing is pretty amazing. I have received comments from Japan, Holland and of course the united states...(not to mention that BC and ON)... all from the comforts of my computer in Winnipeg... Okay I'm convinced it is a good thing!

Again I'm at the office on a Saturday... this time though, it is for the purpose of the blog. Great, now I am so curious and amazed that you all are taking the time to read my rambling words, that I leave the house on a Saturday!!!! to see and read what you all have to say. I know what you are thinking... get a life... yeah well, no comment!

I'm sure many of you have heard about the fire in the Cold Storage Building on HIggins. I live blocks from this smoldering structure and everything I own now smells like I've been at a bon fire! It's a great smell when you are camping! It is not a great smell when you are heading to the mall and you notice everyone on the bus or in the hallways turning their heads and shaking them in udder dismay! I have this perfume that I love to wear, so I put it on this morning hoping to mask the smoke smell... needless to say it is not mixing well!

Yesterday, I was sitting celebrating my birthday with some friends at a restaurant (that served Coke by the way!!) and I was painfully aware of the stench of smoke on my clothes. That might just explain why I kept finding people moving away from me...ah that was it! No seriously though, it is so thick in the North point Douglas area. Again this morning, as I looked out the window, I wasn't sure if it was cloud cover or smoke cover. They are supposed to demo it in the next little while... and in the meantime, I guess we crawl on the floor and cover our mouths with wet paper towels!

Anyway, have a great Manitoba hot summer Saturday!!! (for those of you not in MB, it is the coldest summer on record since 1950... fun fun fun!)
Joyska at 10:42 AM

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Diet Coke everywhere...but not a drop to drink!

The irony of this makes me laugh. As I said earlier I have been fasting diet coke, but for part of this week, I was allowing myself to have it... Well, I went out for lunch yesterday with the staff and very triumphantly and with great excitement ordered a diet coke. the response? "Is Diet Pepsi okay?" Is Diet Pepsi okay?!?!? Was he crazy? could he tell by the sudden fire in my eyes that it wasn't okay? Did he realize that at any moment I was going to jump from my chair and attack him? Is Diet Pepsi okay... unbelievable. Nathan, senseing my utter desperateness and dismay asked if he could go get one and bring it in... the waiter said NO!! Can you believe it?!?! I was in shock. So rather than this waiter apologizing, he aske again..."Is Diet Pepsi okay?" I'm sure that the glare he received from me could have melted rock, but I simply said... no, I'll just have water thankyou.

After recovering from that fiasco (spelling?) I went out for supper with a friend and wouldn't you know it, they also only had Pepsi. All is not lost however. I knew we were going to a movie, so I calmed myself by reminding myself that the theatre would have Coke and I could get a LARGE!!! Well, we went to the Globe theatre in Portage Place... sure enough... Pepsi. Happy Birthday to me!

I know what you are thinking, man this girl likes Diet Coke... let me just say this... I could quit if I wanted to...
Joyska at 9:23 AM

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

my birthday

33 years ago today, in a small Northern community called Cold Lake, Alberta, a little 6lb 5oz baby was born into the world... little Joyska Johanna... and the world will never be the same! Yes, today is my birthday. Yes today I am 33. How did I get to be 33?!? I don't feel 33, I don't think I look 33, but if I do the math, (let's see 2004 minus 1971 = 33...yep, there is no denying it)well you get the picture.

It's always a wierd feeling to wake up on your birthday. Today is all about me (i wish!) is the first thought, and then I remember that today I have an all day staff meeting, and that today I still have bills to pay and work to do... wouldn't it be awesome if when our birthday came around we would have an automatic holiday from anything and everything mundane, and all that would happen is excitement and fun? I think that would make birthdays worthwhile.

But here I am, at the office at 8:00 am so I could write this blog entry and share my birthday thoughts with all of you. All kidding aside, this year feels exciting. There are lots of new things on the horizon, and I feel healthy, I have a new and renewed hunger for Jesus, and for the next three days only... I can drink Diet Coke again! Ah... life is good.

Here is the princess bride quote of the day:

"I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake, but in the meantime..." What's the rest of it?
Joyska at 8:07 AM

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Just musing

It's early in the morning and I once again in the building all alone... I don't understand why no one else is here... I mean it is 7:42 am, you guys are up and working already aren't you?

I have this gorgeous view out of my window of the yellow brick building, trees and an amazing blue sky. There are also bars on my window not to mention the window is high and long... much like a prison cell... hmmmm, interesting! Thankfully, I have the key to my door!

For those of you who know and remember Becky, she is in England now and doing well. She was offered another part time job to work with some of the kids she used to work with. She is very excited and she is getting paid to do it! In our line of work that is not always assumed...

I was at the Guse' yesterday for an amazing Pig roast and was once again amazed at the hospitality of the Guseses (think Gulum as you pronounce that... hobbitses, Guseses...) At one point there were 14 children in the living room alone! Not to mention the basement, the pool, and the playstructures! So I figure there were 30 adults and 60 kids! Okay, not quite, but it was truly amazing and a lot of fun!

Nothing profound to share today... have a great one!

Joyska at 5:47 AM

Sunday, August 01, 2004

The princess bride

Okay, so I have obviously hit a nerve with in the community. The Princess Bride (TPB) was made in what year? Was the book as funny as the movie? These are all questions to test the metal of you so-called fans... Here is yet a couple more...

What was the name of the country that they were trying to frame? and what opened the door to the torture chamber?

Well, on another topic... I came across a really great verse the other day that I am sharing with lots of people because it so encouraged me and will hopefully encourage you as well...

Philippians 2:13 (NLT)
For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.

I believe the verse in NIV says something like to will and to do his perfect will.
I was once again struck by his gracious heart for those of us who are weak! He gives us the desire to obey him, and then because he knows the human heart he gives us the POWER to do what pleases him! So if you are anyhting like me, knowing the desire and the power comes from Christ, it just takes the pressure off a little from it needing to be my own personal willpower to do what is right and to follow all that he has for me. In fact the way I read it, it has very little to do with me at all. It is more being open to placing myself again and again in a place where he can speak, i can listen and forever be changed! So again, if you are at all like me... be encouraged!

So finish this quote... Buttercup:"We'll never make it!" To which Wesley responds...

Have a great day!
Joyska at 5:33 AM